Membership in the Colorado Hydrogen Network has been provided as a joint membership in both CHN and our parent organization, the Colorado Cleantech Industries Association (CCIA). CCIA’s dues are tailored for established companies, but CHN stakeholders include many individuals and start-up companies, many of whom would like to have a stake in supporting CHN.
So new in 2024, we’re adding CHN-only dues so that individuals and start-up companies can help support the organization. These dues are voluntary and tax deductible. The rate for start-up companies is limited to the first 2 years of membership. The complete set of annual dues is shown in the table.

Why Join?
CHN is a non-profit organization devoted to advocating for hydrogen infrastructure and educating, so everyone is welcome to participate in the organization whether they pay dues or not. But here are the benefits of donating:
Help to support and grow CHN
Allows CHN to sponsor events
To be invested and engaged in CHN
Enable CHN to eventually have paid staff
Your name and logo on the CHN members page on the website
Since CHN can now accept tax-deductible donations, we invite everyone to consider donating to the organization. (UNDER CONSTRUCTION, COMING SOON)
Contact List
If you don't want to join, but would still like to be on our contact list, receive our newsletter or receive notifications to attend the monthly meetings, please fill in the information below. All are welcome!